Easter is egg-season, be it chicken, chocolate, marzipan, or any other kind. For those of us with egg allergies, it can be challenging, but no fear – Aquafaba to the rescue! Read more
Increase productivity with meditation
These days mindfulness and meditation are being embraced by more and more big and small companies around the globe. So why is it a good idea to implement meditation at your workplace? Read more
When You Have Nothing, Meditate
They have nothing. Their families have nothing. And yet, happiness, togetherness and discipline is what you will experience when visiting the children in a slum district in Pattaya. Their secret, meditation. Read more
Reduce stress with meditation
You know the feeling when you are thinking about a million things at once, and you’re trying to keep it all in order, but you can’t seem to think straight? Then all of a sudden your entire mind becomes empty. Like someone hit pause and the chatter just stops. Have you ever tried that? Read more
TakeTime for a modern way of meditating
Meditation is not only good for your mental health, it’s also good for your daily performance. However, if you’re like me, you don’t always find the time to meditate. And meditation in public with thousands of eyes staring at you is just embarrassing. The TakeTime-app not only helps you meditate – now you can also meditate in public and your surroundings won’t even bat an eye. Read more